Just ordered my copy!
And not from Amazon.
Just baught the E Book!
On Kobo!
“Book from a whistleblower - titled ‘Meta’ - that was declined from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon”
Sometimes I hate the whole “proper prose title” that articles use
Perhaps it’s “Book from whistleblower that Meta blocked from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon”.
I didn’t read the article. The title broke my brainHeck, prose aside, is there something wrong with commas?
“Book from a whistleblower - titled ‘Meta’ - that was declined from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon”
No? "Book from a whistleblower that Meta blocked from being promoted is now a best seller on Amazon ".
Meta promotes books?
Updated the comment
Barbara strikes again!
Streisand! Streisand! Streisand!