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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • They look for keywords and phrases.

    If you don’t have enough to reach a certain threshold, you insta-fail, and only get looked at if somehow all the people that pass it fail their first in person interviews.

    This is why Indeed considers it a violation of their TOS to use an AI agent to autofill an application and/or write a custom resume and cover letter for each job:

    Basically all you have to do is rephrase the job description into an application / resume format.

    Nobody at HR nor most headhunters actually know anything about the words they are using, they just look for a match of buzzwords, relevant degrees, schools/unis that are highly ranked by some.other metric.

    Everyone knows this whole process is bullshit, but to some extent pretends it isn’t so, which is why, as you mention, its all referrals, ie, nepotism.

    It is not functionally possible to assess merit and aptitude with the current system. Merit means nothing, because anyone with a modicum of charisma can bullshit their way through a fluffed up, exagerated resume and interview for most positions.

    What it can accurately assess is desperation.

    Oh right, forgot to add in there the whole ‘ghost jobs’ behavior.

    Here’s what you do:

    List a bunch of job openings to make it look like your company is doing well, exoanding, growing.

    In reality, you’re not hiring, or you are actually just promoting someone internally, but you’re legally required to pretend the position was open to anyone. Oops! All those resumes went to the trash, we waited 3 months, clearly our internal employee just outshined the entire job market.

    This is why there has been a huge disconnect between the amount of job openings and actual hires since COVID, if not earlier.

    Also makes the general macroeconomic indicators look better than they actually are, if you don’t bother to actually look at all the data… which most people who really should be, aren’t.

  • This is basically the platonic ideal of the most incompetent manager/boss possible.

    What, is Elon gonna personally read 3 million emails?

    Is he gonna hire a team of contractors to go through them?

    Will Elon or his team of broccoli boys even understand any of the technical or process specific terms people use?

    This is an obvious farce, all it does as serve as the flimsiest way possible to at any point claim he can fire anyone for any reason as ‘I am unsatisfied with your self directed performance evaluation’.

    Beyond this all being completely illegal, of course.

    … Hopefully, if we’re lucky, Elon will have all these emails printed out, like when he decided to print out Twitter code for review, and he trips down the stairs with a bankers box or two of these emails, and breaks his fucking neck.

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldGive us a shoutout
    9 hours ago

    Back when I regularly drank coffee, I’d use a bit of this kind of stuff. A splash.

    Still way, waaaaay too sweet.

    Switched to a half gallon of wholefat milk in the fridge, used a splash of that instead.

    Much better.

    Most Americans I’ve known seem to think they like coffee, when what they actually like is a milkshake with notes, hints, suggestions of coffee.

    One former roommate of mine thought it was completely normal for ‘a cup’ of coffee to be 1/3 coffee and 2/3 this kind of pictured coffee.

    I remember actually vomiting one time I mistook her cup of coffee for mine.

  • Technically, the Raster Operations Pipeline is the entire process of actually rendering a frame, or, contextually and depending on what precise terminology is being used by what company for which architecture, it may only refer to the final stages of actually rendering the frame.

    Raster Operations Pipeline is the process, the systematized flow of different stages of rendering, the verb or action that the physical Raster Output Processors actually perform. EDIT: Or perform a part of, a stage of.

    In this case, the Raster Operations Pipeline is hampered by the GPU missing 8 out of 176 Raster Output Processors.

    Ie, its missing an amount of discrete physical components from the GPU board, and thus is less performant at actually rendering the Raster Operations Pipeline.

    Nvidia is … pretty much very obviously at this point going out of its way to make the terminogy around its GPUs as confusing as possible, so that they can more easily do the equivalent of Star Trek esque technobabble to waive away and dismiss anyone who tries to actually dive in and understand what they’re actually doing.

  • Basically, the ROPs are in charge of the final stage of rendering a frame.

    They are discrete, physical components of the GPU.

    GPUs at this point are quite complex boards of many specialized kinds of processors passing information to and from each other.

    Tensor cores, RT cores, CUDA cores, ROPs, etc… these are all specialized processors, specializing in different kinds of computations.

    ROPs, Raster Output Processors, do varying kinds of postprocessing on the almost final stage of a rendered frame, assemble the data from other parts of the GPU and then push the finalized, rastered pixels to the frame buffer.

    A rough analogy would that ROPs are in charge of the final editing pass on a paper or article before it’s published, with the analagous ‘research’, ‘fact verifying’, and ‘rough draft’ having already been done by other parts of the GPU first.

    Maybe another analogy would be that ROPs are the ‘final assembly’ of a frame, if constructing a frame was like building a car or aircraft.

    A simpler, more literal explanation is that the ROPs perform the final stage of rendering a frame before the GPU actually pushes it out for you to see.

    So… if the GPU is missing 8 ROPs… the GPU is basically bottlenecking itself, internally.

  • Catfishing is the term for pretending to be someone you are not, usually online, via the use of fake or stolen pictures, identity details, life story, etc., usually for the reason of trying to lure someone else into a romantic relationship and scam them.

    But … there are hints here what this person is doing kind of… escapes that, is even more concerning.

    This person seems to simply revel in the idea of being someone they are not… just for that purpose.

    Just for the enjoyment of, or preference toward being a comoletely different person, with no specific aim beyond that.

    And we also see they are willing to lie about this when called out, and gaslight people about it.

    So, we’ve got some kind of delusion/dysphoria going on.

    ‘Transracial’ is … not a real thing, in the way this person likely means it.

    Disclaimer: Yes, race is an arbitrary, nebulous social construct… but people act as if it isn’t, we live in a society, blah blah blah.

    What transracial actually means is basically involving or encompassing multiple different races.

    A group or movement or dialogue that involves many races is transracial.

    A person who is multiracial, ie, has a racially varied ancestry, could be said to be transracial.

    What this person is probably using it to mean is that they think they are actually a completely different race than whatever society or their immediate family told them they are, or themselves at one point identified as.

    Ie, a completely white person saying ‘actually, I’m black’ or a black person saying ‘actually, I’m Japanese’, when each of these example cases has no actual ancestry that would validate that.

    So… more delusion/dysphoria going on.

    Finally… they use the term ‘targeted individual’.

    This term (or its acronym TI) is basically only used by paranoid schizophrenics who are completely convinced they have been chosen to be harassed by … some group of dedicated individuals with access to essentially supernatural technology that goes beyond science, as well as seemingly limitless resources and manpower.

    They will use this terminology and basically conspiracy theory to explain the instrusive thoughts they have, voices they hear, nonsensical actions they undertake, things that disappear or appear that they can’t explain, etc.

    Put all of this together and you have what seems to be a paranoid schizophrenic, who is manipulatve and possesive of other people whom they fantasize about, at least one of whom is a minor.

    I am not a psychologist, I am not formally diagnosing this person, but this is extremely concerning behavior, and they should probably be evaluated by an actual professional.

    This is way more concerning than just ‘that guy’s a creep’ or ‘that guy’s a loser’.

  • They are anarcho-capitalists, ancaps, in the vein of the Mises Institute / Austrian Economics crowd.

    A fundamental part of their ideology is praxeology, which basically is anti-empiricist, it doesn’t actually respect or react to evidence, it is wholly based on complex thought expieriments and finangling over definitions of terms.

    Basically, they believe that no government or state can be legitimate… that is shared or similar with many other actual anarchists…

    But they believe it should be replaced with either giant megacorporations, or somehow, something would cause a ‘free market’ for competing over public goods and utilities, some even believe in competing theoretical private legal systems that would … somehow interface and interperet ‘the law’, even though there is no ‘the law’.

    It is an internally inconsistent and often easily empirically proven false worldview… but they don’t respect empirical evidence.

    They only call it ‘anarcho’ because it wants to destroy the state.

    They appropriated the term anarchism.

    But other than that, it shares basically nothing else in common with any other notable thinker or group that has called themselves anarchist.

  • I mean… probably yes, but in the case of much of the Torah, the mythical characters and stories first appear textually in Sumerian cuneiform.

    The Sumerian culture and written language (cuneiform) was located basically in modern Iraq, near the Tigris and Euphrates. The written language and stories can be dated to about 3000 BC, the actual culture itself, even further.

    Then you can trace the evolution of the mythic/legendary characters and stories into the Ugartitic texts, located in Ugarit, modern day Syria, dated to about 1200 BC, with the Ugaritic written language itself being an evolution of Sumerian cuneiform.

    The Torah itself, in early Hebrew, wasn’t actually written and compiled as such untill roughly 400 BC, despite the tradtitional insistance it is many hundreds of of years older, and is largely based off of the Ugaritic texts.

    If you look at the actual archaelogical and linguistic history of peoples, languages, texts and stories, its quite clear that the ultimate origin of many of the characters and stories in the Torah is Sumeria. Those stories then migrated and mutated as they spread from Sumeria to Canaan, where the Hebrews and Israel/Judah later arose.

  • I’d say a ‘reality check’ is not always negative.

    Say you’re very, very self conscious in public, always nervous about how others percieve you.

    But then, one day, a friend pulls you aside and ‘reality checks’ you with:

    “Look, in 90% of situations you’ll ever be in, if you can follow a few basic dress and behavioral rules, you’ll be fine. Barring situations where the whole idea is you making a good first impression… most people, most of the time, in most situations… really don’t care that much.”

    Things like that are arguably ‘positive’ reality checks.

    The reason why ‘reality check’ is often connotated negatively is because most of the time, cognitive dissonance develops as a way of excusing or justifying harmful or irresponsible behavior or inaction, all things that mean you are living in a mild to serious delusion which can no longer be maintained, and will require a lot more effort to grapple with.

    But it can be the case that reality is in someway better than it is perceived by someone who is overly critical or peasimistic in some way.

    In some sense, the initial realization that you’ve been incorrect about something is negative in that you may be embarassed about being wrong in the past, but if it actually means a more realistic outlook going forward, which is actually less troublesome, easier to exist with/in, then I’d say thats overall a ‘positive’ reality check.

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.ziptoComic Strips@lemmy.worldChemists
    4 days ago

    Spend 8 to 10 hours a day for 4 to 6 days a week doing nothing but titrations, earning maybe $20 an hour, with no realistic opportunities for career advancement, for which you had to qualify by getting a 4 year degree and going 60k into debt, and you may consider it.

    Not something I’ve done, but I’ve known a fair bit of Chem and OChem majors.