rips off mask, exposing horrible insect head
“How did you know?”
rips off mask, exposing horrible insect head
“How did you know?”
Ok, first of all, I fully agree with you, this is a horrible tragedy regardless of what type of car or bike was involved.
I didn’t try do shift blame or derail anything, calm down, I just woke up when I wrote that.
Don’t treat people don’t confess their undying support for your cause as the enemy, that is letting perfect be the enemy of good.
Then you ask your friend for some sugar in water…
As a concept SUVs should not exist.
They are unstable, heavy and slower to react than normal cars, also the proportions of the design of the SUV are ugly.
You are right, I was mostly thinking about ATC, but yeah globally.
“If it aint Boeing, I aint going” is truly dead.
I read that when Puttler increased his recent little tantrum in Ukraine there was an obvious shortage of petrol, but EVs could still get power which makes them a very good option to have in case of emergency.
Alternatives energy sources are good.
They could just have turned off power, but I guess they’ll argue that then people would be able to steal the chargers, so it is better to sell them to their friend for a steep discount since they are used.
Then when the political climate shifts on the issue, they can just buy new expensive chargers from their other friend!
Thank you for the explanation!
The article is terribly written, you need to scroll way down in the article to find out what ROP means, despite the article using the acronym several times
It is almost like I had not heard it for many years, was tired and didn’t catch that before posting (:
This started it IIRC:
It spawned this music video:
Flying in the US.
True, the skills needed to troubleshoot a a Windows 95 computer are not all relevant today, but the fact that computers had a lot of issues when I was growing up in the ninties and twothousands, means that I developed a pretty solid grasp of general computer troubleshooting, something that the kids that grew up with it-just-works ™ technology are missing, this is obviously a skill that can be learned, and over time we will see computer troubleshooting become more and more academic.
I doubt it was the innovation that made Atlassian buy the service, but the technology itself, they were interested in using that technology themselves and it was easier to just buy the tech rather than develop it in house.
Our cat when I grew up didn’t have a lot of weird routines, but it wasn’t uncommon for her to accompany us on walks right up until her territory where she would stay and yell at us to come back to safety.
We could hear he calling from two blocks away.
You know what you can do if you need to haul something and don’t have a truck?
Rent a trailer!
Since they use “Seagate’s” rather than “Seagate”, it indicated that it is Seagate who owns this scandal, using “Seagate” would change the meaning of the name to be a descriptive word, which wouldn’t claim to own the scandal.