And people shit themselves over Keurig cups. Fuck me. A single coke bottle or fast-food drink contains far more plastic.
“bUt SinGlE uSe covfefe!”
Yeah, so are pop bottles and I pack them out of the woods and waterways almost everyday. Never found a Keurig cup. No other environmental concern goes to show how fucking stupid people are.
BTW: Plastic straws? Gather one or several on every trip, woods or water. “But those are a fake problem meant to put pollution onus on the user!” Well, users chunk 'em everywhere; bottle caps as well.
Pro tip: Keurig cups are ideal for seedlings. Perfect size, already have holes in the bottom. Gather and dry some moss, boom, seedlings. When they grow out a bit, use the plastic McDonald’s cups. I cannot imagine why people buy plastic pots. Morons.
Pro tip 2: Keep the thick plastic bottles you use or find. Perfect frozen water for a cooler pack or a trip. Old gf used to freeze a milk jug for a 2-3 day kayaking trip.
And people shit themselves over Keurig cups. Fuck me. A single coke bottle or fast-food drink contains far more plastic.
“bUt SinGlE uSe covfefe!”
Yeah, so are pop bottles and I pack them out of the woods and waterways almost everyday. Never found a Keurig cup. No other environmental concern goes to show how fucking stupid people are.
BTW: Plastic straws? Gather one or several on every trip, woods or water. “But those are a fake problem meant to put pollution onus on the user!” Well, users chunk 'em everywhere; bottle caps as well.
Pro tip: Keurig cups are ideal for seedlings. Perfect size, already have holes in the bottom. Gather and dry some moss, boom, seedlings. When they grow out a bit, use the plastic McDonald’s cups. I cannot imagine why people buy plastic pots. Morons.
Pro tip 2: Keep the thick plastic bottles you use or find. Perfect frozen water for a cooler pack or a trip. Old gf used to freeze a milk jug for a 2-3 day kayaking trip.