What is a really smart choice for password manager apps? Concerned about privacy and politically involved CEOs.
I’ve used:
- LastPass
- 1Password
- ProtonPass (Now using)
I thought ProtonPass was a good choice but I’m starting to read more about it. What’s just a really solid choice all around, that you can feel good about? Free or paid.
Update: I decided to go with Bitwarden and Bitwarden Authenticator. The features and the experience are better than the three listed above that I’ve used before. Awesome advice here, thanks everyone.
I use KeepassXC which is free and open-source. The passwords are stored as an encrypted file on your own system. No servers or businesses involved.
Personally I put mine in onedrive so it is synced between all of my devices though, so I guess there is still a server involved in that case
KeepassXC is great, but I realised very late in the process of setting it up, that the browser extension does not support Flatpak based browsers: “Please note that in general Flatpak and Snap based browsers are not supported, Ubuntu’s Firefox Snap being an exception.” (https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser/wiki/Troubleshooting-guide)
I hope this might change at some point.
I think I ran into that exact issue myself when I tried out fedora silverblue. I believe there was a workaround but it was quite involved from what I remember…