The virtual school says its hands are tied due to Florida’s “don’t say gay” law. However, the teacher has lodged a complaint against it.
Made up titles are fucking stupid.
Here’s an idea- let’s not care if it’s fucking stupid and call people what they want to be called?
Here’s a better idea why don’t the few conform with the masses rather than the other way around. That’s some bullshit I’ll never do.
Not exactly a controversial opinion from your demographic
I agree. I would go further in saying that most people would agree it’s just plain ridiculous.
You want people to conform more? Do you live in the 1950s? This is 2023 when people have the freedom to express themselves and identify as who they want to identify as. Get out of the 20th century.
I am also one of those people and I will never recognize any of that other than ridiculous ultra left bullshit. People have freedom to play make believe, I have the freedom to not participate in their foolishness.
Yes, you can also never recognize that “f*g” and “n****r” are not acceptable in society anymore and still use them. You have the freedom to do that too. You have the freedom to be as big an asshole as you want to be.
But you shouldn’t have that freedom to fire people over how they express themselves.
Enjoy your bigotry. You seem very proud of it.
Could someone change this kids diaper.? Never stops crying.
As opposed to naturally occurring titles?
As opposed to commonly accepted titles. Not made up, flavor of the day nonsense. Your generation can put up with this shit after mine is gone. Good luck, you are most definitely going to need it.
Hypothetical question:
I have a friend named Richard. He prefers to be called Rich but his boss calls him Rick.
Should his boss adjust to call him Rich because that is what he prefers, or should he just accept being called Rick because it is a commonly accepted nickname for Richard?
Follow well established societal mores, do not change them for .001%.
Answer the question. Why reply just to dodge it? Could have simply not engaged. It’s so weird to me.
I did give a valid and correct answer to the question. You either didn’t understand or know I’m right so dropped back to the default… ItS sO WeIrD tO mE