Okay, this came out more blunt and…dunno, I don’t really like how it cane out. But the reason is it comes close to something I saw a close one experience so…sorry in advance, maybe it will help you though.
I had a friend like that tbh. Like 1:1 symptoms, except dude didn’t travel and had many traumatic experiences. I am going to be blunt. He didn’t want help even when asking for it, because even if it was hell, he was in a twisted way comfortable with it.
If you are actually willing to fight, try to check in which hours you can sleep. Really, there’s not onky sleeping at night or in the morning - check if you can instead sleep before the night, shift it back (or front in your case). Identify if you have access to enough sunlight in day - if your home is murky, you’re gonna feel worse. Also find some motivation anchor. You ain’t gonna fix it without actually having the will and anchor. If you manage to do any improvement, accept your success, grit your teeth and continue marching on.
About meds - if your life ie so miserable, it may be better to grab onto them than allow everything bad to swallow you whole.
And if you reallh feel good traveling and are able to live like this, maybe consider nomadic lifestyle? It’s going to be tough, but that may be simply price to pay for your overall mental health and who knows, maybe if you feel better you will be able to improve your situation further.
Normalcy during novelty, inability to direct what you do, abnormal circadian rhythm, and going for easy dopamine hits. This sounds like ADHD to me. Take a look at some symptoms and see what you recognize. If it fits, get diagnosed and medicated.
i’m sure most mediocre diagnosers would diagnose me as adhd but how do i find someone who wouldn’t diagnose me unless i really need to be diagnosed? i hate to rely on drugs
One of the easiest tests is trying out meds and seeing if it works. Otherwise, call a few and ask how they diagnose and find one you’re comfortable with. I don’t know what else you want in terms of info there. I went through some tasks that tested certain aspects of executive function. I did not start out thinking I had ADHD, I was there for something else and my provider saw enough to suggest getting tested.
If you do have ADHD and don’t want medication, you’re going to have worse outcomes across the board. You’ll have worse employment, worse relationships, shorter lifespan, etc. https://youtu.be/26V6LCbKXJU for more details on that.
what if it fucks my brain?
i used a few drugs. i still carry their side effect. i used a very little amount of steroids as painkillers a year ago. my eyes changed and never went back to normal. told the docs at the time and they didn’t take any responsibility and they couldn’t fix anything. shit like that happened more than a few times in different ways
science is an infant trying to be an adult when it comes to messing with human body
I’m not here to convince you. Seems like you already have your mind made up. Why bother asking at all then?
Maybe at 6am when you’re tired, drink coffee and stay up as long as you can. Fall asleep at 6pm or 9pm. Wake up the next day you may feel tired, but you can go out and start those errands you need to do. Once you start you see it’s not so bad.
i tried that several times. doesn’t really work
now you can read my post again because i bet $2 you didn’t understand it
I read it three times and I still didn’t understand it. How can we help you get productive? Are you looking for a job?