It’s difficult to measure rape statistics across countries. But we know, that if guns were prophylactic to rape, the US should have a disproportionately low statistic. It does not.
And anybody who knows about rape knows that guns are impotent to stop the vast majority. That’s because a large portion of rape victims support and protect their attacker because it’s somebody they love.
But sure, in an 80s action move fantasy, a woman with a gun is safe I guess.
It’s wild how many people use 80s action movie as their basis for their understanding of the world.
You know, I just thought about it and realized I do too sometimes. That’s actually kind of fascinating.
It’s a super easy trope to default to. It’s basically removing the chaos from mental scenarios to make it more palatable and voiding the evolutionary utility in having those thoughts in the first place. Seems like it’s more or less a coping mechanism for things likely to be out of our control.
a large portion of rape victims support and protect their attacker
so… a regular whistle wouldn’t work either?
Indeed, and it fits neatly in a backpack pocket! Buy once, buy for life. Get the best you can afford.
it’s a lot harder to rape someone if as soon as you try they shoot you until you stop trying.
Interesting. I heard they are working on a version for responding to insurance claim denials.
That’s a vet pistol.
The most American post I’ve seen on Lemmy to date. 😬
Yes shoots the kind of rapists the manoshphere talks about (in back alley, ski mask wearing, horny weirdo).
But boyfriend doesn’t stop when he should, because it would hurt his masculinity.
The fuck is this? Edit: because what it is not is a meme
“it’s not a picture with a message on it unless I agree with the message”
Can’t use this outside of the USA
Yes you can.
If you’re not poor.
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^100% this is a man.
Nothing prepares you for the guys who are triggered over defending yourself from a rapist
Guaranteed this guy is also like, “We should execute child molesters in the most horrific way imaginable! We should drag them into the town square and strip their skin off with tiny razors and then boil them in drain cleaner until they die!”
But at the same time thinks that arming women for self defense is “a bad idea, not gonna go well, lot of innocent rapists getting murdered” smdh
A man everyone should cover their drinks around.
Bro what
Put this “guy” on a list ya’ll, he’s about to blow.
When they’re rich they just let you do it.
I would accuse you of putting the punch line in the title… But that would be admitting to a joke