My wife started a new job a few years ago, and during training she was shown how to create invoices.
- Open the excel template
- Fill inn the items, and the prices
She was completely dumbfounded.
I’m a professor and require students to submit typed homework as either docx or pdf format - a student wrote their paper in Word, took a screenshot of it (including their desktop), then saved the screenshot in pdf format.
My wife, to this day, shuts off the shower and then immediately steps out while water is still running off her soaking wet body, inevitably creating a puddle in the bathroom.
“Honey, why don’t you drip for like five seconds, or even grab the towel and give yourself a quick dab before you get out?”
The first time I told her this she just stared at me for a solid 20s while her brain rebooted. But then her “never admit anything ever under any circumstances” instinct kicked in and she responded “wow are you really policing my shower habits?”
So anyway, now she knows better, but still does it because marriage is about compromise, or something.
It’s a good thing she’s not single, I would hate being in a relationship with your wife!
Anyone whose first instinct is to get defensive when offered good faith advice… yeah keep em away from me
Yeah but this guy could be a controlling asshole who follows her around all day laying down “life hacks”.
We just don’t know.
That’s a really shitty way to talk about your partner.Is this supposed to be funny or something? I’m neurodivergent and can’t tellsomeone can totally love their partner and still find some of the stuff they do infuriating.
also my oldest kid did this. it’s infuriating! (but i love him.)
I dry myself completely while still in the shower and it’s a mystery to me why not everybody is doing this.
Because sometimes I leave the towel hanging on the door hook :')
Ok? And?
I give myself knife hands over my body before going for the towel. Towel stays significantly more dry and I can use it several times before it needs a wash.
There’s an episode of The Office where Pam and Jim are trying to make Dwight think he’s in The Matrix, so they keep arranging “glitches.” Pam trains a cat to walk past Dwight’s door and then around to repeat it. As they’re telling the camera about it, Jim says “Why didn’t we just get two black cats?” and Pam looks at him with the expression I imagine this guy had with his girlfriend.
So I may be incredibly high right now, but I’ve watched all of The Office at least 5 times now and this scene sounds entirely unfamiliar to me. Is it a deleted scene or something? Because that shit sounds hilarious and I’d love to see it.
Yes they released it when they moved the series to peacock, I didn’t know either. Enjoy your surprise new office content
When I was about 8 years old my aunt told me she returned a belt to the store because the buckle wouldn’t fit through the belt loops in her pants. I’ll never forget the look on her face when I told her to put it through the other end first.
There was a post with something similar but with the water pressure being too high in the shower. Like, what? Just don’t open it all the way then?!
Depends on the tap
That does tend to be how you control the pressure yes
Im gonna be the AkShUalLy guy here and say this isnt always the case…. There are shower controls that turn on immediately to full pressure and then adjust for temp as you keep turning, no way to actually control the water pressure without just having fully cold water. These have been around forever…
I installed a newer Delta one in my house a few years ago (2021 or so). They now have a feature where the water temperature is always whatever you set it- no fluctuations of scalding water when someone flushes a toilet or random freezes if someone turns on hot water elsewhere in the house. Or even 2 showers/baths fighting for hot water at the same time. So it’s like an auto-adjusting thing that happens inside that requires max input pressure to work right. Of course, i always want max water pressure, so this was a win-win for me!
To note- this wasnt a crazy expensive, high-end model…it was basically what most of the single knob/lever shower controls are now.
So, one day I’m hanging out with my friend, and he introduces me to his friend. Middle-aged guy, seems pretty nice, but he’s having a shit day. Why? Because he had to copy something from an email, and he spent about an hour, flipping back and forth between two windows, copying the email into a Word document or something. I was dumbfounded, and I said “Why didn’t you just copy-paste?” The guy stalks off with his head down, muttering under his breath.
My boss will purposely screen shot text he writes so I have to rewrite it and not copy paste… not fun.
You need an OCR tool.