A tobacco pipe. Thing with lid on goes in one end of the y-shaped bit, the long bit in the other. The lid opens, and the lid’s there so you can smoke when it’s raining.
Edit: For anyone interested in how I got this so quickly; my dad has an old similar one from his grandmother, she was a switch board operator at the start of the last century, and he got to keep it’s when she passed since he’s also a pipe smoker. I don’t think he’s ever smoked it though, so I’ve had one in my home for my entire childhood :)
Thanks! Does this kind of pipe have a name?
It’s a Tyrolean pipe - I just saw Willem Dafoe’s character using one in Nosferatu funnily enough.
See here: The Cast of Nosferatu Discusses the Props That Shaped Their Characters | Prop Shop
Also one quite similar to yours in design (I think): https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1525820329/e-foot-pipe-antique-pipe-smoking-pipe?ref=sr_gallery-1-1&frs=1&sts=1&content_source=0bf227c4bf5cbe3d5859e776a0ac736a20682b5d%253A1525820329