Skateboarding; tried it once because I thought (and still think) it was one of the coolest things ever but immediately fell on my face before even thinking about doing cool stuff.
True, but I’ve since learned how bad my balance is; I can thankfully ride a bike just fine but everything else, even walking in a straight line, is kinda difficult.
I had an infection of the vestibular system on both sides a couple of years back, I’m certain that had something to do with it…
Skateboarding; tried it once because I thought (and still think) it was one of the coolest things ever but immediately fell on my face before even thinking about doing cool stuff.
Bend your knees 🤙
It’s called learning difficult things. Everyone who has ever learned to skate has fallen plenty of times.
True, but I’ve since learned how bad my balance is; I can thankfully ride a bike just fine but everything else, even walking in a straight line, is kinda difficult.
I had an infection of the vestibular system on both sides a couple of years back, I’m certain that had something to do with it…