During the state of the union address, Donald Trump made a 13yo, who beat brain cancer, an honorary member of the secret service. It was one of many emotional plays he made to make Democrats look bad for not cheering and standing and clapping like the Republican half of the room. He made multiple jabs at democrats for not applauding things he was doing.
So obviously it all feels like pandering and emotional manipulation when he’s also out there cutting Medicare/Medicaid and making things harder for people who are fighting things like brain cancer.
During the state of the union address, Donald Trump made a 13yo, who beat brain cancer, an honorary member of the secret service. It was one of many emotional plays he made to make Democrats look bad for not cheering and standing and clapping like the Republican half of the room. He made multiple jabs at democrats for not applauding things he was doing.
So obviously it all feels like pandering and emotional manipulation when he’s also out there cutting Medicare/Medicaid and making things harder for people who are fighting things like brain cancer.
Don’t hold back when you know you’re right.