Why is Rust being used to replace parts of the JavaScript web ecosystem like minification (Terser), transpilation (Babel), formatting (Prettier), bundling (webpack), linting (ESLint), and more?
I’ve used it the last few years to do Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/) and that’s been fun and challenging. Definitely recommend it. Better than trolling through a book of “now do this” examples if you’ve done other languages in the past.
I know that the “project” approach to learning a language works for some people, but I’ve found l greatly prefer to read a book from beginning to end before undertaking any projects. It helps me start out with a clear picture. I’m finding “Comprehensive Rust” to be fairly good so far. Thanks for all the help, everyone.
I’ve used it the last few years to do Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/) and that’s been fun and challenging. Definitely recommend it. Better than trolling through a book of “now do this” examples if you’ve done other languages in the past.
I know that the “project” approach to learning a language works for some people, but I’ve found l greatly prefer to read a book from beginning to end before undertaking any projects. It helps me start out with a clear picture. I’m finding “Comprehensive Rust” to be fairly good so far. Thanks for all the help, everyone.