TLDW: Canadian bagged milk is an Ontario thing but the rest of Canada doesn’t do that. (Also the video’s maker doesn’t like Ontario (also also the more you look at the word ‘Ontario’ the more the word looks like it was made up)).
TLDW: Canadian bagged milk is an Ontario thing but the rest of Canada doesn’t do that. (Also the video’s maker doesn’t like Ontario (also also the more you look at the word ‘Ontario’ the more the word looks like it was made up)).
What makes you say his accent is fake? I’ve seen some videos, and disagree that he hates Canada. In fact he seems to be a big fan.
Not the person you asked, but a number of old videos were talking up PP and how Canada should be more like the US in varying ways (generally with regard to certain deregulation, privatization, etc.) with the caveats that: (a) I haven’t seen his recent material and his positions may have changed and (b) I could be misremembering the finer details of being more like the US for the same reason of not having seen his videos in quite a while.
As for the accent, no idea. Does he love Canada? Maybe? Probably? Though his vision for what that and Canada look like may differ to others.