Let’s get some new chat started in here.
Wondering where everyone stands on horrific visions, are you looking forward to having them back in their new form or slightly dreading it?
For me, it was one of the better parts of BFA so I’m intrigued to see what they do with it. I’m all for getting updated and additive versions of older content.
I personally liked them. I feel they were a nice challenge without being too time consuming.
I suppose it was the initial incarnation of what delves became in terms of difficulty and time required. I enjoyed the fact that it was a solo activity as well.
I kinda liked the strategy and progression side of it. Are they coming back as-is with #nochanges?
It looks like they’re adding to the original versions with new masks, currency and rewards. I was hoping that they might expand it into cities other than SW and Orgri.
Is there some lore reason or are they just trying to make old content relevant?
We were dealing with the black blood during parts of Undermined so there is definitely some Old God shenanigans happening again. Azj’Kahet has the blood area also so it seems that either be the theme of the next raid or perhaps the overarching Midnight storyline.
For how much I ran them, you’d think I enjoyed them, but looking back on it, I really hated them. I guess it will be interesting to see them returned, but for all the progression that was tied to them and the time gating it just ended up being a bad experience imo
Didn’t play back in BFA so gonna be interested. Heard good about them and that the bad part was that they were mandatory (like Torghast in SL). The chopper looks nice tho
Yeah, the new mount looks great.
I’m trying to remember exactly how I felt about it at the time but my brain doesn’t want to think about 2019 being six years ago. But yeah, I think if they expand on it and it’s not mandatory to the point of tearing your hair out then it’ll be good.