Walmart near me has started using receipt checkers lately and they don’t even really do their job, it’s kind of a gimmick really. They just look at the receipt for a second Don’t even look at your cart, but they stop you every time. It’s just such a waste of my time when I’m in a hurry. I had one person even tell me that it was required by law. No it’s not! There’s no law in the USA that says they have to check your receipt.
Every time they try to stop me at Walmart, I just say, no thank you, and keep walking. Nobody’s ever tried to stop me from leaving the store.
Sam’s club and Costco are a little different. I begrudgingly stop there because of the membership. We technically agreed to it in the terms of signing up.
Walmart receipt checkers infuriate me but Costco receipt checkers do not because Walmart is a predatory shithole while Costco is the opposite of that. It’s the same reason why I don’t give a shit if people steal from Walmart.
Costco is just as predatory. It is all about profit and they aren’t your friend.
“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
Please don’t promote a movie that encourages eugenics.
Does it though? To me, it shows the horrors that it leads to. It does promote the idea that even the most average person can have ideas that can improve living conditions if given the chance.
It literally states that the poor are having more children and thus that’s going to destroy society. That’s great except for the part where it isn’t true.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Idiocracy. Great movie, it shows the decline of society due to the lack of education and increased birthrates of those who could not care less about anything but corporations. In one scene they go to Costco and the greeter says, “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
The person who replied to my original post thought the movie promoted eugenics. I guess to a point, but it is more of a warning than a glorification.
The premise that stupidity is inherited from parents is one based on eugenics and false. It’s still a funny movie, but it’s also important to recognize that it is based on a false premise
Sure, it’s not a coöp, but at least they pay $20/hr starting wage, and $30/hr for half of their employees because they stay there so long.
There is nothing they can do legally besides ban you going forward. Unless you actually stole something