Just a slight positive spin on this. I mean, I get it. Just like all of you I read this headline and say, no shit.
But its good these articles are out there. Its not for you and me. It’s for the average person who doesn’t think about this and is blissfully unaware.
Yeah, I can argue they should care and all that, but that’s pointless. This is a sign that the average person is becoming more aware, and the status quo can change.
We all have those friends and family that we wish would…just do things differently. Maybe they will now, or soon.
Just think, wouldn’t it be great if your “arguments” with your family are over messaging each other over SimpleX instead of Signal?
Came here to say “No shit, what else is new” but you’re absolutely right, this is for people who don’t follow tech news.
They’re a publicly-traded company.
All of them, without any exceptions, place profit above literally anything.
A private company at least can place some things above profit, if the owner has principles. But when you’re a public company with countless shareholders, any stated or perceived ethics or morals are only there for the PR to drive profits higher or because it’s enforced by law. No exceptions.
I swear to fuck… if i read one more article about people being surprised by lifesucking capitalist hell corporations being lifesucking capitalist hell corporations… i will leave another angry comment.