Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.
And even if you think it’s not a cult, your children will have plenty of time to meet God or whatever when they’re old enough to make the decision on their own. Your god isn’t so weak that he needs to indoctrinate impressionable children to gain followers, is he?
That’s the thing that always bothered me about religion. There’s no sales pitch, its just indoctrination. There’s a million different varieties of religion, and supposedly only one of them is “correct”
Judaism seems to make the most sense to me of the monotheistic varieties because there is no demi gods like Christianity. But clearly religion isn’t about religion, it’s more about having an in group.
Just a FYI, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. Read the Torah, Bible and Quran and you will see that many stories are either identical or very similar, because they are all parts of the same religion. And even worse, these stories were stolen from many other cultures.
None of it is real. It’s not even written well. Harry Potter or James Bond novels are better written.
Religion is just mythology, none of it is real.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lunch date with Zeus & Thor.
Its all fake but I don’t despise it all, some people seem to need it to make any attempt at being a decent person. However who could think its okay to indoctrinate a child? There’s also the thing in america of swearing on the flag everyday at school or whatever… Wtf.
It’s like when you hear some hardcore Christians (and probably other hardcore religious people) say that without the threat of eternal damnation they would be going around raping and murdering other people all over the place. And to them that’s the main justification for the need for religion.
To me that’s just a massive red flag that they are psychopaths and completely horrible people. If the only thing keeping you in check is angry sky daddy then you have something profoundly wrong with you.
Religion is a net harm in my opinion. For every person that is inspired to do good, an equal amount do as much or greater harm by doing bad in the name of religion. That’s not even to mention the weird thought processes that arise from the afterlife concept… Climate change not mattering being a prime example.
I fail to see how people need a moral code written by god to be good. I think if you somehow could mind wipe the earth of religion, there would be a similar number of equally good and bad people here. You certainly wouldn’t have to worry about dominionists provoking war to start the beginnings of their idealized end times.
I agree. I’m deeply suspicious of any organisation which gives people access to vulnerable people. Religion in some form has been around so long that its hard to argue that at least some people don’t need it (saying this as an agnostic/atheist). I also don’t think it’s right to ban it, but definitely we should insist on fully secular societies and not allow indoctrination of children. Then it dies out naturally as it has here. The UK is majority not religious now, very few people go to church even if they consider themselves christian (and they’re almost all old), but another thing which makes me angry is that the churches own massive amounts of our land still, plus £billions in assets and then they still get government hand outs. That’s not in the public interest at all. I think religions should be banned from owning any buildings or land, trading, and made to pay taxes like a business. If they’re involved in any abuse they should be shut down and assets confiscated.
As I always say, keep your children away from religion. They are the pedophiles, and they accuse everybody else of it. It’s a cult!
A religion is just a cult that has outlived its founder.
And even if you think it’s not a cult, your children will have plenty of time to meet God or whatever when they’re old enough to make the decision on their own. Your god isn’t so weak that he needs to indoctrinate impressionable children to gain followers, is he?
That’s the thing that always bothered me about religion. There’s no sales pitch, its just indoctrination. There’s a million different varieties of religion, and supposedly only one of them is “correct”
Judaism seems to make the most sense to me of the monotheistic varieties because there is no demi gods like Christianity. But clearly religion isn’t about religion, it’s more about having an in group.
Just a FYI, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. Read the Torah, Bible and Quran and you will see that many stories are either identical or very similar, because they are all parts of the same religion. And even worse, these stories were stolen from many other cultures. None of it is real. It’s not even written well. Harry Potter or James Bond novels are better written. Religion is just mythology, none of it is real. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lunch date with Zeus & Thor.
Its all fake but I don’t despise it all, some people seem to need it to make any attempt at being a decent person. However who could think its okay to indoctrinate a child? There’s also the thing in america of swearing on the flag everyday at school or whatever… Wtf.
It’s like when you hear some hardcore Christians (and probably other hardcore religious people) say that without the threat of eternal damnation they would be going around raping and murdering other people all over the place. And to them that’s the main justification for the need for religion.
To me that’s just a massive red flag that they are psychopaths and completely horrible people. If the only thing keeping you in check is angry sky daddy then you have something profoundly wrong with you.
Religion is a net harm in my opinion. For every person that is inspired to do good, an equal amount do as much or greater harm by doing bad in the name of religion. That’s not even to mention the weird thought processes that arise from the afterlife concept… Climate change not mattering being a prime example.
I fail to see how people need a moral code written by god to be good. I think if you somehow could mind wipe the earth of religion, there would be a similar number of equally good and bad people here. You certainly wouldn’t have to worry about dominionists provoking war to start the beginnings of their idealized end times.
I agree. I’m deeply suspicious of any organisation which gives people access to vulnerable people. Religion in some form has been around so long that its hard to argue that at least some people don’t need it (saying this as an agnostic/atheist). I also don’t think it’s right to ban it, but definitely we should insist on fully secular societies and not allow indoctrination of children. Then it dies out naturally as it has here. The UK is majority not religious now, very few people go to church even if they consider themselves christian (and they’re almost all old), but another thing which makes me angry is that the churches own massive amounts of our land still, plus £billions in assets and then they still get government hand outs. That’s not in the public interest at all. I think religions should be banned from owning any buildings or land, trading, and made to pay taxes like a business. If they’re involved in any abuse they should be shut down and assets confiscated.
Yes, actually.