The protests were linked to concerns over personal freedoms and government overreach. Mainly related to COVID-19 mandates and stay at home recommendations.
Supporters saw the movement as a grassroots stand for liberty against government overreach.
*edit the freedom convoy organised 3 years ago in 2022 as pointed out by commenter’s.
Well I think the problem is some are really bad, like the interrogations of journalists, but then you see things like “Trump proclamation bars immigrants who cannot pay for healthcare”.
Its these latter ones really muddying the water, and I assume people write it all off as hyberbole.
In my personal opinion, all of them are extremely atrocious. It’s like trying to choose between eating a horse turd or a cow turd—both are complete shit.
Are minority rights a section in the constitution, or where can they be viewed?
Who knew a bigot would be so uneducated.