One of the things I deeply miss about living in California is unlimited access to rolled taquitos. They don’t exist in my area of The South even at the best of Mexican places.
I got up today on a mission and took half a rotisserie chicken and some corn tortillas and wrapped everything up and put them in the chest freezer to be ready for dinner time deep frying. I wanted this to be as close to the real thing as possible so I made way too much guacamole and got some cotija cheese in advance for this. The cheese isn’t perfect. The proper cheese has chili paste coating the rind. But this will do.
Dude the plating on this is unreal. Looks amazing 11/10 well done. There’s a Mexican spot by my house where I HAVE to get the chicken flauta plate because it’s so damn good.
Just a tip for leveling up that rice.
Throw the dry rice in a skillet and give it a little oil enough to coat, then gently fry/toast it until golden and fragrant. Then cook it will maybe half a cup less water. Also, sofrito is a beautiful thing in rice.
Pickled onion is good but not San Diego style. Unless I’m at Taco Bell or Jack in the Box I can’t stand lettuce on my Mexican food. But then those aren’t Mexican places.
I really ought to make my own taquitos instead of just microwaving them from a box… Those look so damn good.
Also: Cojita is supposed to have chili in the rind? I would like to have some like that. The kind I buy doesn’t even have a rind. Or were you talking about a different cheese? If so, do you know what it’s called?
No, there is a special kind of cotija with chili paste on the rind. It’s used on San Diego Roberto’s style rolled tacos. I don’t know the name of it. I wish I did.
I can’t eat the boxed ones. They use the absolute lowest quality tortillas and don’t crunch right. And that’s before we even get to the filling.
I tried making them, but no matter what I did the tortillas kept cracking when trying to roll them.
I just heated them for 40 seconds in a hot pan until they had some flex. But it really matters what kind of corn tortilla you use. Mission is crap. La Banderita, Guerrero work best. Homemade works but if you know enough to make them then you aren’t posting that comment :)
Steam them somehow. wrap in a wet paper towel or 2, then microwave for a minute, and let them sit for couple of minutes. that should help a bunch.
Grab the tip of the tortilla, quick dip in frying oil, then roll up, skewer to ensure it stays closed, we used to do 3 per skewer at the place I worked. Good flautas or taquitos are great! I’m upset by this dish just because wtf do you do with a jalapeño slice ontop? Yes it’s pretty but just chop it up and add it to the insides so you can easily enjoy.
Damn dude, I just ate and this is making me hungry
Mind sharing your recipe for all of that?
Rolled tacos are literally just cut up rotisserie chicken (skin and meat) rolled up in a heated (softened) corn tortilla, stabbed with a toothpick to keep them rolled up and laid on a baking sheet and put in the freezer. When dinner time comes. I’m ready to deep fry in peanut oil at 350°f until golden and crispy. Drain on a rack or paper towel depending on if you really want to clean that rack both before and after because cat hair exists.
The guacamole is four small avocados and maybe a teaspoon of lemon juice and a healthy punch of kosher salt. Mush mash until done.
The rice was two cups water, one chicken chicken bouillon cube, two cups of water, 1 tablespoon butter, quarter cup of chopped onion, one teaspoon ground cumin. Toss it all in a pot with a lid. Being to boil, reduce to low, wait 10 minutes or whatever it takes for the water to be gone.
Salsa, Walmart brand. I didn’t like the tomatoes last time I went. Normally I make it myself (so much cheaper). Yellow or white onion, tomato, lemon or lime juice, salt, maybe jalapeno, cilantro or bell pepper depending on what is on hand. I have no idea what the quantities are. None.
Not all heroes were capes. Unless you do.
One clarification:
The rice was two cups water, … , two cups of water
I assume you mean 2 cups rice and 2 cups water?
Thank you! I will try this out this week.
Oh. Two (2) cups water. One (1) cup rice.
I’d probably double the chicken cubes and/or cumin. My wife was feeling salt sensitive so I cut back on the normal dosage.
Ah, makes more sense. Thanks!
And yeah, I’ve found that my sense of taste sucks, and I need more spices than the average Gringo.
You’re the best! 😄
Oh hell yeah. Next time, may I suggest slightly pickling a sliced white onion (white vinegar, a hint of lemon, salt and pepper) and put a heap of it on top.
I’d also put some sliced lettuce on top.