Ever notice MAGA are so unoriginal that they all look the same? The whole lot of them have minmaxed their looks to a preposterous degree. All the women look like the same bleached blonde red lipped Karen tradwife and all the men look like the same chubby bearded Rayban trucker hat wearing assholes.
I’ll have to see if I can find the video again, but I saw someone do a really interesting analysis on why this happens. The central idea was that it’s due to a whole ideology based on conformity. Everyone converges on the same “look” not necessarily because they even like it (though many of the choices do clearly represent a white cishet ideal) but because they hate the “alternatives”. For example, “creative” hair colors and makeup are things people do to try to be more individual, which is why these women paint those choices as “tacky” or marks of being an “evil lib” etc. Their fashion choices are self-limiting by design.
Ever notice MAGA are so unoriginal that they all look the same? The whole lot of them have minmaxed their looks to a preposterous degree. All the women look like the same bleached blonde red lipped Karen tradwife and all the men look like the same chubby bearded Rayban trucker hat wearing assholes.
I’ll have to see if I can find the video again, but I saw someone do a really interesting analysis on why this happens. The central idea was that it’s due to a whole ideology based on conformity. Everyone converges on the same “look” not necessarily because they even like it (though many of the choices do clearly represent a white cishet ideal) but because they hate the “alternatives”. For example, “creative” hair colors and makeup are things people do to try to be more individual, which is why these women paint those choices as “tacky” or marks of being an “evil lib” etc. Their fashion choices are self-limiting by design.
Which is hilarious, because all of their fashion choices in this picture are pretty tacky grandma fashion choices. Merriam Webster puts it perfectly:
"Marked by a cheap showiness: GAUDY.
Marked by a lack of style: DOWDY."
The loud clashing patterns, unflattering large hairstyles, and huge statement costume jewelry are basically that to a T.
If this is maxing their looks then that gene pool was utterly fucked to begin with.