If you’re trying to get me to not shoot people, putting my mother in front of me with cause is probably the worst way to go about it.
If you’re trying to get me to not shoot people, putting my mother in front of me with cause is probably the worst way to go about it.
If my grandparents don’t get their social security check its gonna be hard to make me not want to shoot someone
I thought this was about a different obsidian lol
ebooks have managed to pull the same scam that game developers pulled on gamers 20 years ago.
“ebooks will be cheaper! and with the fact that we wont have to pay for printing, shipping, storage, etc, You’ll pay a lower price while the author/publisher still receive more money than they would have from the physical book! its a win/win for everyone!”
aaaand then as soon as they were accepted ebook prices became the same (or near enough) price as the physical version, and in a few rare cases, even more expensive. Resulting in the massive promised profits for publishers, and maybe authors, but no gain but lots of demerits (like obnoxious drm, and shit like amazon going onto your device to delete it cause they lost the rights or something, which has happened) for end users/readers
And thats first party, brand new books.
There is no second hand market for ebooks, like there is from physical. Si theres no browsing a place like Half Price Booked or whatever to find something that isnt in your normal wheel house but thanks to being pre-owed, its cheap enough to roll the dice on.
If biden was a weak and pathetic president…
and trump cant even stop biden from still fucking things up.
then how weak and pathetic does that make trump?
Or is that too much logic for rumpets.
its to late, its over, to prevent catastrophe.
its not to late to ensure we have a minimal catastrophe instead of a maximal catastrophe.
clicking the browse button to select the file is a hell of a lot easier than opening the file manager, navigating your way through your files to find the one specific one, then make both windows small so you can select a file in one, and drag it over to the other.
And look, its also an example of how you turn nothing into a big, complicated, multistep imaginary issue.
who said they did.