To be fair, paper does technically have some intrinsic value, it isnt free to create, nor entirely without practical uses. Its intrinsic value is just very low.
To be fair, paper does technically have some intrinsic value, it isnt free to create, nor entirely without practical uses. Its intrinsic value is just very low.
Colonists aren’t really immigrants though, their intentions aren’t to join an existing, foreign society but to create a new one or extend their existing one into another area (and in cases like the Americas, also act as an invasion force of sorts to push out existing people).
The thing about nihilism that some people dont seem to get is that if nothing matters, it matters equally as little if you do just do things and live your life as if you dont. Nihilism isnt a reason not to do anything just as much as it isnt a reason to do anything.
Tankies aren’t even leftists, they just think they are because someone decades ago got the idea to dress yet another heirarchy in a red flag and claim that it was temporary.
But the reasoning given doesnt apply exclusively to horses. Suppose we follow the same chain that gets us “all horses are the same color”, but replace “horses” with “colors”, we would end up with the statement that all colors are the same color. Thus, this is not a counterexample, because black and brown are the same color.