Cowbee [he/they]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

Marxist-Leninist ☭

Interested in Marxism-Leninism? Check out my “Read Theory, Darn it!” introductory reading list!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • You are correct, but this isn’t just about automation, it also extends to improvements in manufacturing technique and other forms of improving productivity per worker. Wages are stagnating because they are largely pressured towards a floor of “subsistence plus replacement,” and generally trend below that until crisis and correction.

    The solution is, of course, Socialism. Marx makes very compelling arguments that regularly prove more and more useful with respect to his predictions for the course Capitalism would take, and Marxist economists like Lenin and Hudson continue to analyze Capitalism’s monopoly phase and deterioration. The crumbling of the US Empire we are currently seeing is something that has long been predicted.

  • Sort of. Automation temporarily eliminates jobs, but just like steam engines and other tools employed by workers, only transfer value, they don’t create new value outright. For the purposes of profits, automation merely offers a temporary upper hand until the market equalizes, unless a point of absolute monopoly has been reached, at which point it is unquestionably more in the favor of workers to rebel.

    Workers will resist machinery taking their jobs regardless, as it is a threat, but this process is inevitable and must be fought the same way it always has, by organizing so it can be made to benefit all.

  • Yep, Cuba’s journey with respect to social development is very admirable, their most recent Family Code is more LGBTQ friendly than the US. The PRC has further to go, but the CPC itself is more LGBTQ neutral, so there’s good reason to believe the improving trends over time as generations change will improve legislation.

    As for Anarchism/Leftism, I think that’s more than sufficient to consider yourself one full-stop, no “to my knowledge” needed. I myself have a long way to go as a Marxist-Leninist, but reading theory has been tremendously clarifying for me and my journey. I know you consider yourself an Anarchist, but if you want recommendations on Marxism-Leninism I made an intro reading list (linked on my profile). I think it’s generally useful for Leftists of all stripes to engage with the ideas of other predominant Leftist ideologies.

  • Some of Dessalines’ audiobooks are on TT, I think!

    I wouldn’t recommend Capital for a beginner, I’m reading through volumes 1-3 this year and it certainly helps that I’ve read more from Marx, Engels, etc before jumping into it.

    As for an intro to Marxist theory, that’s a very broad question. The clearest intro to DiaMat in my opinion is Politzer’s Elementary Principles of Philosophy, have you tried that one? For Marxism in general, I prefer Principles of Communism, but Dessalines keeps a Crash Course on Socialism that I also like.

    Thanks for reading some of what I recommend! Do you have any particular struggle areas? I think the best thing to do would be to see if there is a good Communist party in your native language and ask if they have study material for you, education is a big part of org work and they may have a course that is especially tuned for your particular environment and language.