Yes and and beyond screwed.
Yes and and beyond screwed.
I disappointed, no one said the Canadian “eh.” For the moment, the Canadians should monitor US troop movements along their border and build a wide ass minefield.
Fuck Musk and ship him back to South Africa without a US passport.
Basically, it would be safer to fly over Ukraine and fucking Russia. An over worked and stressed ATC is higher risk than a bunch of drunk Russian bastards manning a SAM battery.
The Norfolk Southern crews nicknamed 32N as “32 Nasty.” They knew a derailment was inevitable.
Of course, but the AmeriKan attitude is do more with less.
RFK will recommend drinking water, take a vitamin and suck it up. Nothing to see here, move along. I feel sorry for the children who are led by their dumb fucked up parents.
Next up, Polio.
Whiskey tango Foxtrot! The shitbags at DOGE will not lift a finger to fire the asswipe.