He can contort himself with the knowledge that he actually pulled off the sacrifice of Abraham.
He can contort himself with the knowledge that he actually pulled off the sacrifice of Abraham.
You have utterly and completely misunderstood the goal all along.
The goal was never improving things, or helping people.
The real goal, the only goal that truly matters, is being able to feel superior behind their keyboards/phones , it’s knowing that everyone else is evil and stupid and weak, and if they only did exactly whatever crazy idea you had last night in your pot-fueled hallucinations, then everything would be perfect.
But those in power can’t admit how wrong/evil/stupid they are, so everybody has to suffer.
It’s exactly the same as southern baptists celebrating when a hurricane hits because it’s a clear sign God hates gays.
Don’t get me wrong, the right is just cruel, vicious, evil, but the left is something almost worst: Hipsters.
Shutting it down is harder to reverse under another president (god-willing).
This is like why putin put the bug in his ear about tariffs, it divides the west, leaving a regional power like Russia free to consolidate power everywhere.
Remember, Wagner is very powerful in Africa, where the voa and its siblings are most active.
It actually did, the south was entirely fascist for it’s entire existence, they literally designed the system so the south could always veto the rest of the country combined no matter what, hence the 3/5 compromise giving them power in the house and the structure of the senate.
He has a positive approval rating in both houses of congress and the Supreme Court.
Also among mentally unstable billionaires.
Which is all that matters in reality.
I left the night of the election, when literally all of lemmy was screaming that a vote for Harris was voting for genocide.
Fucking morons.
Ignorant moron.
There are hundreds of these investigations, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin was in 2021
Seriously, as a brown person, shut the fucking fuck up! You have no idea what living in this country under republicans is like, you can’t begin to imagine it and you need to take your privileged dick out of your overprivileged ass and realize what many of us are going to have to face now.
Literally have the KKK reforming in anticipation of his inauguration, it’s “good people on both sides” all over again.
Listen, as a brown person in America, just be honest.
You caea about the genocide of brown people elsewhere, just not here.
It’s OK, the vote is over, you don’t have to deny it anymore, we get it, it’s not like we’re surprised or anything, it’s basically America’s legacy.
The shocking part?
We thought you at least cared about women, but you’re literally no better than the racist sexist fascist neoconfederates that are proud to vote Trump.
Just be honest with your words, your actions already spoke the truth.
It’s because you can’t control doctors.
The leaders of their community can control everything, except doctors who follow their own rules.
Rather have children die than anyone who could defy them.