Others have already said this, but everyone deserves these things, amongst others - certainly not just those who can and are are willing to work 40 hour weeks. Even the billionaires (although they don’t deserve to be billionaires)
Others have already said this, but everyone deserves these things, amongst others - certainly not just those who can and are are willing to work 40 hour weeks. Even the billionaires (although they don’t deserve to be billionaires)
That’s what I did! My friend still doesn’t really use it though… :(
Not part of Gen A (I think this whole generation thing is a bit pointless anyway), but what is the movie?
Android technically uses the Linux kernel, but is not GNU+Linux, and has had all the good parts of Linux taken out. I didn’t know iOS was based on Linux, but it’s even worse than Android, locks you so much into Apple’s services and spending money. Freedom over your device is the point of Linux, and iOS fails at that even more than Android, at least with Android you can install custom ROMs.
That’s really interesting, because I’ve had a very different experience. Almost anything I wanted to do could be done through a GUI, which looks pretty.
I’m not sure how Android and iOS relate, they are mobile OSs, and both have their flaws, although some more than others.
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I never see Fedora recommended enough, but it’s really good for beginners. And by that I mean people new to computers, not just Linux. GNOME is a good looking by default, intuitive to use, simple DE.
What counts as ‘black’? Perhaps people from minority groups shouldn’t be excluded from regular history, so every group doesn’t need its own history month - it’s just history.
I don’t use a VPN, and haven’t got a letter from my ISP in all the years I’ve been pirating.
Please don’t. I like having options, sometimes RPMs are useful, sometimes Flatpaks are useful. Let me choose.
Elon Musk was always an asshole billionaire, he’s not significantly worse now he’s taken of the mask
Gnome with the dock-to-panel extension.
She’s a mythical creature, she probably belongs to her own category.