Grass is greenest where it’s watered.
Grass is greenest where it’s watered.
What’s your price? Do. Not. Cave.
I’m pretty sure there are plenty of LEOs, from muni to fed, as well as corporate “influencers” here, as well. I expect this to grow as the platform grows.
But he sure united a lot of people across the political spectrum. So did kazinsk, in his writings. His actual acts units them against him though.
Stock market was a bookie for rich people. I think you meant 401k.
Why not both?
I assert it’s also immoral, especially in modern times.
That sounds vaguely like The Peter Principal.
And in turn, breeds more psychopathy. I’m fairly convinced psychopathy is, at least partly, explained by epigenetics.
Google’s parent is the alphabet Corp, who started with funding from, and working for the US alphabet agencies.
We need to sustain this for as long as it takes.
Yes, I remember having this discussion with someone a sea away and they were adamant it “made more business sense.”
She didn’t even tell her single mother. She probably didn’t want to burden her more. That poor family.
I’ll give the current kleptocrats credit where it is due: I bet they motivated people globally to learn about finance, various economic modalities of government, privacy, geopolitics, politics in general, humanitarianism, philosophy, various sciences, immigration/law, Con Law, tort law and a bunch of things my sleepy self can’t rattle off just now. Maybe varying religions and other stuff too.
I’m actually changing my mind about that. Fat bank accounts is the point, cruelty is the bonus.
Such bull pucks! History shows 3% of population protests work.
It depends on the will and strength of mind of the populace. The politicians are laughing all the way to their Swiss bank accounts.
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From a comment on the same topic elsewhere that disappeared:
It’s what the whole continent was founded upon. I came upon a news item last night about a slave graveyard a man discovered after having bought a property in South Carolina. When he realized he was looking at graves, he (at his own expense) called in professionals to help locate and another to make headstones. He said he had allowed some people to come in and see the work and was talking to a group where he referenced “forced labor camps” and a woman learned in and told him, “Honey, those were plantations,” and he told her yes, forced labor camps, because it’s important not to kid ourselves about our history. My heart swelled to know there is kindness clarity in the heart of of someone in the Deep South who had the funds to come out of pocket to do as much as his family can reasonably afford, to give (some? 144, iirc) of those people what dignity he could give, even posthumously.
Sure, hard work is necessary to survive, sometimes more and sometimes less. That’s why it is an honor to give back where we can, and a moral Imperative to strive to make a good a life we can for everyone as best we can, and as more* or less as necessary, while giving everyone the best tools at their disposal to make the most of themselves, while also doing our best to help re-educate and re-habilitate as many as possible, and leave humane institutionalization for those we fail, always striving to do better, more. It’s a tall order and the survival of our species is, now or less, dependent on that.
We can not eliminate all suffering or acts of nature. We can work hard and vigilantly to minimize it. It’s a tall order, and it starts with ourselves and our own values. And maybe taking time for deep reflection of who we are and what steroids we can take within our means to get there, then working together with individuals who have similar values.