If you think your mom isn’t on the internet, have I got a hot URL for you.
If you think your mom isn’t on the internet, have I got a hot URL for you.
She might as well have a mall ninja sword strapped to her back.
If we get nothing else from this shitshow, let it be this.
Clearly you haven’t met Brewster.
Heads on pikes could avert a full-on war.
This was not what I was expecting from Grey’s first Trump 2.0-related video.
Elon/Trump stand there pressing the flapper over and over hoping for a better outcome.
Okay, that one got me good. “Better outcome.” Hoooo boy.
Create alt accounts.
Edit: this is normally when I’d switch to my little-used st.w account and agree with myself, but it appears that federation is lagging by at least a day, for this comm at least. Neat.
Because the funds for tracking down errant plebs will always be there.
Also you kinda just want to see what happens at that point.
The people behind you are also interested in seeing what happens.
Haven’t seen one of these in a hot minute.
Ruining things is what they do.