• 16 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2024


  • Are the servers shut down on Playstation? (i’m assuming since you said Platinum your on PS). I don’t know 100% of all the achievements on there, but as long as none of them depend solely on another player being there you should be able too run Multiplayer missions Solo, i used to do it for years on my first few playthroughs when i was younger. But yeah, i get your frustration. There’s so many games in my collection i just can’t 100% because of online, whether it’s servers shutting down or just general multiplayer troubles.

    How’s Odyssey btw? I’m embarrassed to admit that Odyssey i initially skipped over because i didn’t think i’d like the way the story was going being pre-assassin’s and the gameplay, but i picked up Valhalla later and loved the gameplay bit (at least in small pieces) so i’m wanting to give it a try since i got it with the entire AC bundle on Steam.

  • Just got there like less than 30 minutes ago. I have mixed feelings on how it ends.

    Knowing how it kind of gets undone later kind of makes it feel meaningless, not to mention killing such a pivitol character feels like a bad move. The plot was a bit hard to follow for me, so i’m still not sure why they had to die at the end. I think if i could have followed the plot better it would have been easier for me to digest, i’m not 100% sure about that though. Though, i was sick for part of it so that may be on me.

    Also, the final boss (if you could call it that), from what i understand, was a QTE. My game bugged out so only my friend could control it, but if i understand correctly that it’s a QTE, that feels kind of lame to me.