" Isn’t there any basic train of thought anymore…"
No, ads, television, and social media destroyed our attention spans.
Now the only tv ads that play are Lawyer ads, Insurance ads, and Pharmaceutical Ads. By comparison, Alcohol ads coming back doesn’t seem half-bad.
if I were a licensed physician, I would have moved out of the country years ago, already.
She’s trying to avoid doing so because she knows that she’s likely just as corrupt.
-Tangentially speaking, every time I see her name in the news I think about what she did to New York’s Right-to-Repair bill.
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“I love football on tv, shots of Gina Lee, hangin’ with my friends, and twins.” …something-something “and I love you too. It’s the love song!”
-Alcohol ads used to have the best jingles.
After residing in Indiana during Pence’s reign, I assure you that he’s no better than Trump. He’s just the religious fundamentalist alternative to Trump and he’s not as dumb.
My greatest fear is that we will never find the cure for being an idiot. I know for some people that the disease is fatal.
COOL. Cool. cool. Doesn’t this mean they will just get replaced by people that fall in line with corruption?
When I was a kid cereal didn’t have no zippas! We rolled up the one end of the bag and watched it partially unfurl when we let go, and we were satisfied with that.