Yeha I turn 40 at the end of the year. Over the hill buddies.
Yeha I turn 40 at the end of the year. Over the hill buddies.
I was born i 85. Not much more wisdom I can give I’m afraid. I am a tech early adopter and a coder so I understand crypto it’s just too volatile a market for me to care about. Wish I had invested in Bitcoin when someone asked me if I wanted to in 2012 though. Mostly my driving force for new tech adoption was my gaming habit. I had a colecovision, NES, Genesis, Playstation, Playstation 2, and all the systems from the next gen onward once I had job money.
Fuck, I’m considered an ELDER now?
Well. The nature of my backlog is like I wait for games to come down in price and by the time I get to them they’re 10 years old haha.
I also have a habit of playing through the entire series before playing the newest one. I’m currently playing Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion which is the 4th game from Japan in that series but the 2nd to be released in US, SO I’m playing through it even though I don’t like it and will beat the next two games to finally play Trails in the Sky which is the one I really probably should have started with.
I do that with all my games, like Doom Eternal looks cool and so does the upcoming Dark Ages, but I went back and played Doom 1 & 2. 64, then the updated remaster of Doom 1 & 2 when that came out, and now I’m working on Doom 3. I got one more whole Doom game before I even get to Eternal.