• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Corporations and politicians: “oh great news everyone… It worked. Time to kick off phase 2…”

    • Replace all the water trump wasted in California with brawndo
    • Sell mortgages for eggs, but call them patriot pods
    • Welcome to Costco, I love you
    • All medicine replaced with raw milk enemas
    • Handjobs at Starbucks
    • Ow my balls, Tuesdays this fall on CBS
    • Chocolate rations have gone up from 10 to 6
    • All government vehicles are cybertrucks
    • trump nft cartoons on all USD, incest legal, Ivanka new first lady.
    • Public executions on pay per view, lowered into deep fried turkey fryer on white house lawn, your meat is then mixed in with the other mechanically separated protein on the Tyson foods processing line (run exclusively by 3rd graders) and packaged without distinction on label.
    • FDA doesn’t inspect food or drugs. Everything approved and officially change acronym to F(uck You) D(umb) A(ss)

  • Well said, strong points to consider.

    IMHO, part of Antiwork is supporting labor at its ideal, along the lines of “if you do what you love, you don’t work a day in your life”. If I could have my basic needs met otherwise in a society that (to your point) already has redundant resources to care for every member of society in perpetual comfort/security, then that labor can be a personal choice that is personally fulfilling. That also assumes that a person is FULLY compensated for the value of their labor.

    So I think there’s nuance to the discussion and somewhat ironically Antiwork does have a strong foundation in supporting equal access to fair labor - most likely cooperative labor though. But inherent to Antiwork is that one always has the option to not participate in labor, if they choose.