Also,another excellent answer
Also,another excellent answer
Umm but it’s not illegal (yet) to start groups right? Why aren’t people setting up groups and unions? Gumption,remember
Well kid,now is not the time to give up, no matter how dig in they think they are,the tick can always be pulled out
Great reply,yea you guys are Americans. I thought you all have a belief that anything was possible with gumption and grit. I don’t really understand what happened to the people,I thought you guys where all fire and brimstone,what happened?
Yes but it’s bluntly obvious that no one in capital hill is actually qualified. In fact I would say they’re extremely unqualified. Remember the BLM protests? When nothing changed, well you all need to get to working out that line and get out and do something. 50501
Well sure for now,but your seen the price of eggs,Healthcare, transportation, education, Internet and about dozen other things,prices for food is already going up,how long will take? By the way,I don’t think revolution is the answer,j think politicians need to grow some back bones. Give aoc or burnie a chance.
You know what they say, a society is one 4 meals aways from complete chaos
Well that’s extremely sad
May I ask,what would be that thing? Because its seems like your all well over due for a bit of a revolution
No. Not at all,stop with the fucking hoping something may happen. Do something