Probably this weekend. I need to double check that I got all necessary documents. It’s cold outside, I have a cold, in a lul for sports and entertainment and hobbies, so now is the time for me to get taxes over and done with.
Probably this weekend. I need to double check that I got all necessary documents. It’s cold outside, I have a cold, in a lul for sports and entertainment and hobbies, so now is the time for me to get taxes over and done with.
Just annoying men named Damon.
The question in your title is also different than the question (questions?) in your post, FWIW.
A question that might get you more useful responses us, “I live in a super rural area with limited options for socializing. Looking for ideas for 1) finding people and social events outside what I typically look for (list your go-tos here) and 2) motivation when I know I need more socialization but can’t get over the hump to leave my house.”
If you ask people what they do for their experiences, it’s a lot easier for folks to answer versus telling you what to do, esp when you have a real diagnosis and therapist. Good luck, friend.
No offense, but this is a question for your therapist. You’ve given random internet strangers one paragraph to work from, versus repeat sessions with a trained medical professional. Go with the trained medical professional.
Pressing the crosswalk button over and over will make the light change faster.
I have read about 2,000 pages on ebook so far this year, which is an average month for me. And I listened to about 20 hours by audiobook. I do count audiobooks, and I listened to less in January than average.
Split is about 75/25 fiction/nonfiction.
I hold zero affection for physical books. Less than zero even. I’ve moved too many times. I have maybe 50lbs of textbooks, high school year books, and reference books for hobbies and that’s it. I would have to be ready to settle into a home for the rest of my life before I could bring myself to buy physical books, and I’m still way too restless for that.
Enjoy your pulp books! I hope they’re good, even if “so bad and cheesy, they’re good”.
You know women does not equal extrovert, I hope?
“Women be bitchy unless I am bitchy first” is just too neatly packaged for internet woman-hating bait. Is this AI or someone trying to karma-farm reddit style?