inside it is another, smaller baby
It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
inside it is another, smaller baby
No need: just look for their hats, shirts, truck nuts, etc.
To give some context, the special edition of that book has a different title that hints at how very challenging it is to get it right when you host your own server.
Typically, it’s much better to own a domain and pair it with FastMail or other reputable email provider.
broadcast is a popular form of communication
Our guns will surely save us! Or did anyone think ahead and use the second amendment to exercise their right bear fighter jets and nuclear arms?
But seriously, I think our only hope is general strike.
They should start to only report on Donald. But they should only say nice things. Then they should use sarcasm case:
DoNaLd iS ThE BeSt pReSiDeNt eVeR.
I suppose I was naive in my youth.
I am sick and tired of the Texas governor not standing up for all Texans.
Idiocracy went from funny because it’s so unbelievable. To unfunny because it’s too real. But now it’s starting to get unbelievable again as it portrays a future that’s too good to be true.
Will that make it funny again?
And Harris published a detailed platform on her campaigns website but was still criticized for not standing for anything.