The lifespan of a CPU, as long as you repaste it to keep it from overheating and stuff, is like 20 years.
Cybersecurity professional with an interest/background in networking. Beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.
The lifespan of a CPU, as long as you repaste it to keep it from overheating and stuff, is like 20 years.
Recommending that somebody upgrade their hardware that is currently working fine because your hardware took a dump is the literal definition of anecdotal evidence.
I’m not saying that you did anything wrong by updating, I’m saying that you shouldn’t be implying that your experience “dodging a bullet” means other people have bullets coming at them.
When does it stop btw? How many years old does hardware have to be for you to feel like you need to upgrade when nothings wrong? (Am I misinterpreting what you said? I thought you said you ordered new stuff before your current system threw a bsod.) Why not buy two of everything when you upgrade and just have cold spares lying around?
To be completely fair though, a 3600 is prolly a bit long in the tooth for certain games, if that’s what you do. I mainly play the finals and I’m having to fight the urge to upgrade my 5800x. It’s good enough, but a 5800x3d isn’t enough of an uplift to justify it and the current performance isn’t bad enough to justify the price of an upgrade to a new socket. I feel like if I was still on a 3600 I’d have pulled the trigger on the upgrade already.
Edit - Also that can absolutely be a transient error. It can be related to too high fclk and/or vsoc voltage, etc. But you’ve already replaced the parts so it doesn’t matter.
Bro I have a 1600x that’s still going strong in a rack mount chassis. I highly doubt that your bluescreen was a hardware issue that would have made your system unusable forever. You probably just needed to repaste or something. That stuff dries out eventually you know. A 7-8 year old processor is nowhere near the end of its operational lifespan.
Cybersecurity tech worker here, and same. Even with the local server though, the one smart thing that I absolutely don’t fucks with is exterior door locks. I got one that does PIN entry, but absolutely no wireless or Bluetooth or anything. Other than that let’s fucking go it’s 2024 I can’t be bothered to open my window shades with my hands like I’m living in the 1800s on a farm in the fucking prairie or some shit. They open on a schedule, synced at a slightly earlier offset to my wake up alarm.
I’m glad you recognize your error. What the fuck you on about studies with?
Keep telling people to be mindless consumption drones, spending money they don’t need to spend, to fuel corporations that give less and less of a fuck about their customers every day.