PSA: Download all your kindle books. Even if you don’t plan on cracking their DRM, you’ll have the option to in the future should you want to.
PSA: Download all your kindle books. Even if you don’t plan on cracking their DRM, you’ll have the option to in the future should you want to.
A car loses its value when you drive it off the lot because it’s a depreciating asset. That money doesn’t go to the bank or the owner. It just vanishes.
Besides, if your partner only helped pay the interest portion of the auto loan (which is what I’m proposing), the depreciating value of the car would be fully felt by you when you sell the car. They would just be out a few months of interest regardless of the sustained value of the car.
Homes typically increase in value or at least hold value. When you sell your home, you won’t get back any of the money you gave to the bank as interest, but in theory everything else including your down payment will be returned to you.
So to me it makes sense that while a partner is living with you and if they are committed to helping pay for utilities and whatnot, they can also contribute to the cost of living at the home. I believe helping to pay the interest is a fair and equitable way to do that.
I mean when you’re renting a place you’re more than likely helping the owner pay off their loan anyway. It’s just another step removed.
Migrating a 8 year old server to fresh new hardware. Can’t believe you can basically just rsync one computer to another
Ok, but like it also doesn’t seem fair for the non-owner romantic partner to just get free rent, no?
This is more like one person sharing the cost of the loan on a house they won’t get to keep.
If the owner sells the property, they will not get back any of the money spent on interest. Thats the point. The assumption is that the principal is the best representation of the portion that the property owner gets to keep.
Hilarious. Very good watch.
I think they’re literally stale undusted cheetos.
I too have ate a few as an adult.
The logic is that she didn’t pay any equity into the house. That makes the situation similar to two people sharing the monthly rent on a rented apartment except they’re paying a bank and not the landlord.
8th grade Earth Science teacher. I shared a fun little factoid I had just learned: if you’re standing on the North Pole, every direction is south.
She disagreed and spent like 20 minutes explaining why that was wrong. I didn’t understand most of what she was trying to convey, but I do remember hearing “you can go north but in a southerly direction.”
They literally have us trying to finish developing a product and get it through certification. They want first 10 units built at our location and for us to train up the people at the new location. I’m phoning it in for sure, but that’s not the expectation.
I feel for you.
My company got bought in June '23. I was offered a retention bonus with a final payout after two years. 1.5 years in (last month), they announced that they’re laying off our entire office in June '25.
The reason provided was that we can’t keep up with the expected demand of the product despite nobody ever coming on site to evaluate our abilities and us exceeding the goals set for us. It couldn’t have anything to do with the salary range in our area naturally. I asked the goon they sent us if the person who made the decision was on the phone. He said no. It was explained that “these things happen” in business.
And they expect everyone to stick around and happily assist in the transition. The retention bonus sounded good when it came with continued employment, but it’s not nearly enough to put up with that shit.
I’ve already interviewed three places. Fuck if I’m giving them two weeks.
There should be a requirement where the people who decide to lay folks off actually have to show up and tell them in person.
When my wife (at the time girlfriend) moved in, we split the interest portion of the mortgage payment 50/50. Principle was 100% me. Utilities food and supplies were evenly split. Every bolted down upgrade I paid for 100%, but we decided to split paint since it mattered more to her.
The idea was if she bolted, I would mostly be left with what I paid for. If we got married (we did), we’d combine finances and it wouldn’t matter anyway.
Those packing peanuts are made from corn and are basically edible.
Or if you wet them, they get sticky and you can stick them together to make stuff.
A little shocked the Rabbit R1 outlived them. Mine is still chugging, though a lot of the features (like MidJourney integration) have been halted.
Gonna be a fun little Android media player in a few months I suppose.
I want someone to recreate the intro to Lord of War, but instead of tracking the manufacturing/transport/use of of a bullet, follow a plastic stir straw.
I mean you’ve got surveying, drilling, pumping, transporting, refining, transporting again, processing into plastic, transporting again, injection molding, packaging, transporting again, unpacking/stocking, and then some asshole uses it for three seconds and throws it away.
My point is what’s the point of downloading kindle ebooks if they can only be read after connecting to the cloud or whatever anyway?
Read the second part of your comment lol.
What other software?
If you download your books, how do you read them in other hardware? Aren’t they all drm locked?
We like to say that our girl is checking her pee-mail.
I’ve been running plex for a few years no. No real issues to complain of.
Until today. I just upgraded my server with an Intel ARC. Was looking forward to enabling qsv for streaming. Turns out you need plex pass to do that.
Can jellyfin do it?