It’s certainly possible to become a millionaire without committing any fraud - you just have to start as a billionaire first.
Former Reddfugee, found a new home on Server errors made me switch to Now finally @ home on
Likes music, tech, programming, board games and video games. Oh… and coffee, lots of coffee!
I � Unicode!
It’s certainly possible to become a millionaire without committing any fraud - you just have to start as a billionaire first.
Oh, that’s an easy one:
Just constantly stick your finger up your nose, scratch your balls, etc. Make them dirty, greasy,… You get it. If there are “better” means (e.g. food) available, use that. Then play dumb and try to use their computer as if it was a phone and try to do everything as if it had a touch screen. Smear it all over their screen. Cuss as the PC doesn’t react, try again, get visibly angry and irritated.
They’ll stop asking questions fast. Probably right after they realize what you did to the first PC.
Somewhat, I read a German news article that explicitly warned that USB transfer will be blocked. I just searched for an English article to post here afterwards, but I didn’t read it. So… yeah, „lost in translation“
So I’d suggest, unless you really really need some obscure feature, Calibre+Kindle is nowadays perfectly fine, and maybe you shouldn’t risk bricking your device.
Uhm… Well about that… You will not be able to transfer books onto you kindle via USB in about a week. Amazon is going to remove that feature from all Kindles next week. The only way to do that may be through the method you described. But how long will they offer that, if they say they are removing the USB feature because of piracy? You cannot pirate books onto your kindle, when you cannot transfer books from outside of Amazon onto it. (Also this is a nice reason for them to block you from buying books anywhere else than on Amazon, of course)
Have you seen some of the concept art for Breath Of The Wild? They were thinking about UFOs
Or when a side quest in Majora’s Mask makes you defend Romani Ranch from aliens?