ducks are about the same size as a pterodactylus, if not a bit larger, so the size there seems pretty accurate
surprisingly, festnt is short for fest not, not fes tnt
so please dont call me fes please please please
ducks are about the same size as a pterodactylus, if not a bit larger, so the size there seems pretty accurate
or maybe it’s howlbbes
lmao people think just because its satire it cant be clickbait, or that the clickbait won’t work as clickbait
so, hyperbole is about exaggerating stuff to make it humorous. the title and thumbnail look exactly like any other clickbaity video hating a distro would look like, meaning it fails that completely.
of course though, the video might do that pretty well, but i won’t watch it. though if someone has something to say about the video, feel free to do so.
so, about the title and thumbnail (i havent watched and won’t watch the video):
satire doesnt work if what you do is the same as everyone else. like, if you’re gonna make fun of someone by mimicking them satirically, you’re supposed to be more extreme than whatever the person is doing.
this doesn’t do that. it mimics the stuff it’s trying to make fun of way too well, so it just looks like a normal clickbaity video about hating a linux distro.
refraction is just lazy reflection