More Americans will become
terroristsfreedom fighters
More Americans will become
terroristsfreedom fighters
Nah, he’s definitely been to Epstein’s Island
You’ve made the world a far better place than any of those shitstains could ever hope to. However little it may mean, you’re improving and saving lives, and we’re all thankful for it.
Also worth noting that he’s stated himself that his companies’ values are all heavily tied together, and that it’s a “carefully balanced house of cards”. If Tesla falls, so to does everything else.
AGM are absolutely awful compared to even the absolute worst lithium batteries, and won’t last long at all if regularly cycled below even 50% SoC. LFP chemistries are a bit worse for energy density compared to NCA/NCM chemistries, but they don’t contain any nickel or cobalt, and won’t autoignite in the same way other chemistries will. Absolutely ridiculous they’re suggesting lead batteries over better lithium options.
He’s admitted to abusing drugs multiple times in the past, in ways that are very well known to be unbelievably stupid combos, like Ambien and alcohol.