Ooo never heard about this until now. Very interested, love me some Tom Hardy and Gareth Evans movies
Ooo never heard about this until now. Very interested, love me some Tom Hardy and Gareth Evans movies
Watched this in theaters and now own the blu ray but was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed this movie. Stunts were great, acting was great and just goofy enough and poking fun at itself enough to be very entertaining.
The same movie works on the roku Plex app with the embedded subtitles just fine.
Also findroid is an android app that has more features than the native app
Just tested and with Findroid on my phone, no subtitle options appeared at all, though it had 4 languages embedded. On my roku they showed up but as soon as I picked it it loaded until it said Error During Playback
Sounds like it’s mostly with embedded subs inside the media files already. Thats where all my subs are so I’m going to test soon but haven’t played anything on jellyfin needing subs in a while
I’ve been using plex for several years and setup jellyfin a few months ago to tinker with it. Playing videos works fine for me locally but I have some family out of state who have access and jellyfin doesn’t have a solution for that outside of me publicly sharing the URL and managing the passwords. Also a pain point for me is having multiple files of different quality for the same movie/episode, it always shows as two episodes that it will play back to back and seems to require a lot of manual work per show/movie to get it tracked as 1 piece of media with 2 files to choose from. Would love to ditch Plex eventually but for me and my family it just works without issue and they can manage their own remote login.
Caddy can do the same and there is a steep learning curve but I switched about a year ago and only need to touch the config file when I add a host. Can even bring that config to a new server and it will stand up once it starts and picks up the config.