Pushing them around in the playground as revenge. Maybe it affects them, who knows
Pushing them around in the playground as revenge. Maybe it affects them, who knows
Coming from a humid country (…england…), I never understood the need to have a glass of water near the bed. Doesn’t that just guarantee that you need to get up and pee in the middle of the night?
Then I spent one week in Beijing. One glass would not cut it.
Man I only saw the first 6 panels and sat there really thinking deeply about this comic for a while
10 years and 13 months, sounds about right
Maybe the world runs on averages. It might take a handful of really bright people to move the world forward whilst everyone else languishes in blissful ignorance.
Its like I’m hearing it from the wingless little cherub himself.
Heck is a quaint little town in the US where everyone votes against their best interests and cheers for it.
Wasn’t he the base model for the Lego man?
He also invented the bubonic plague and kept bringing it back to England in several hundred year intervals to claim royalties
Yeah that rings a bell, I think it was something to do with its position being a probability density function rather than anything deterministic that orbital mechanics could offer
Our physics teacher and our chemistry teacher had an ongoing civil riff on whether or not electrons exist.
We’d hear one side of the argument in Chemistry and then parrot it to him in Physics, and he’d give us a rebuttal and we’d parrot it back to her in Chemistry. This went on for about two weeks.
Looking back on it, I’m pretty sure they discussed it in the staff room beforehand, but at the time it felt like a real smackdown.
Did some googling.
Tuna is massive and lean by default and has more denser muscle and less fat. Fat holds it together and stops it falling apart. The lean muscle makes it taste dry. Tuna has to be chunked to get anything into a can.
Salmon is way smaller (typically can sized), very fatty and has fast-twitch muscle, all of which lead to a juicier more cohesive fillet.
We should be sending sugar cubes out into space.
This will incentivise horses to develop their own space program, which would lead to a space race between the species.
But how will they operate the fine machinery with their hooves? I hear you ask.
If they can pull a cart, then they can pull a lever.
Why is tuna like that? As opposed to say canned salmon which is immediately identifiable
They’ve had it good too long!
Urgh split keyboards are the worst. Better to have everything in one higher up central position with easy access to entry ports for finer fingering.
Looong loooooong maaaaaaaaaaaan
*McBain Meme*