For context:
This bid is an attempt at a threat because it overvalued the perceived value of the non profit side of openai.
Openai has a known perceived total value. (dont know how much exactly) Musk wants to lay the argument that by refusing his bid. Most of that value is in the non profits side and thus less in the for profit side.
This is a threat because the profit side is where openai partners, like Microsoft have their stake. So its lowering the perceived monopoly money of those shareholders.
Of course can be ignored. OpenAi has stated they can refuse on many other reasons unrelated to the bidding price.
Also OpenAi is a fascist collaborator just like musk.
Source: ai explained yt channel
Just because they tricked half the population into becoming collaborators doesn’t mean it’s not the owning class versus the common people.
Don’t get me wrong, there will be fights along political lines, they will be used as cannon fodder but just like any war the opposing soldier is not your enemy, those that guide the actions of those solders are. Propaganda will do one heck of job making sure gullible people believe they have no choice.
Racism is form of cancer but it has been demonstrated many times that on a individual level it can be cured.
Twitter was both an ingredient and a practice run
PSA: “Archiving” is a general legal-neutral and safe term you can use with co-workers.
Wether i am also a pirate one may speculate but i am always an archivist.