OR (hear me out), how about an entire sleave of saltine crackers?
Are you calling me out? This has (so far) been my dinner.
Saltines are delicious
They also make cheese in unshredded variants
But where’s the fun in that? I want to enjoy my cheese confetti.
Because then you get to cut very thin slices because it’s kind of fun to do and they sort of melt on your tongue, and surely that way you won’t eat as much as if you were eating “normal-sized” slices, right ?
Cut to me staring at a plate filled with hundreds of tiny pieces of cheese crust, who obviously ate the entire fucking block of cheese in one sitting
Make America Grate Again
Awesome, I don’t feel like a weirdo. Not that I cared. But I’ll wake up at 3 a.m. and eat peanut butter, Drizzled with honey.
Peanut butter honey toast is the best goddamn snack
I am literally eating it right now as I type this and could not be happier
Feeling called out…
spooncelery stick of peanut butter.