Kinda dumb question but I figured it fits the sub lol
so these boxes are at my work and they’re a syrupy hyper sweet mixture that when combined with carbonated water make soda and it got me thinking:
why don’t they sell ones for like Monster energy?
is it because of the costs, or kids accessing it, or some law?
Bars usually have redbull dispensers around here. But as others have mentioned, caffeine in bulk can do damage. I once went to a gas station and they had energy drinks on tap. I’m had a 48oz energy drink with energy shots. I TALKED WITH CAPS LOCK ON FOR 4 DAYS NON-STOP.
People would kill themselves by over consuming it.
Panera bread had a charged lemonade energy drink and two people died.
Costs. These types of machines are generally free refills. You take a 32oz coke, and say actual cost to the store for you getting that coke is about 15 cents. You paid $2.30. Most people get 1 refill. But even if you get multiple, they still make profit.
I don’t know wholesale costs of monster, but I know a 20oz bottle in stores here costs about $2. While a 24oz can of monster costs about $9.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a 32oz fountain of monster cost the store like $0.70 wholesale. So there’s no way they could make profit if people got multiple refills.
Plus, if you try to sell the monster at a higher cost than coke, what would stop someone from dumping the coke, and refilling with monster? Paying the lower innitial price, and now getting refills.
WTF? Monster costs $9? That’s insane.
But you’re right it’s cost. I had a Soda Stream and I had the red bull syrup for it so the ability is there and the materials exist.
where the fuck you live that a monster costs nine dollars
I was hoping they meant 9 Australian dollars but even then it would be too much.
Seems like they are $1.83 at Walmart if you buy them per 12 ($21.98 / 12 = $1.83 each)
To be fair, they’re about 500mL per can instead of about 700mL but still, that would be $2.75 if you convert it to what Lost_My_Mind listed.
Panera bread basically did and a few people died, so that probably didn’t help.
Wasn’t it like super caffeinated though?
Yeah… It was energy drink.
I just want them to make a flavor with ibuprofin already mixed in
I feel I’m going to regret asking this but why?
Because im old and caffine dependent. I already abuse both, just want to save time