No, it’s a treaty violation.
The U.S. is supposed to follow IMO Conventions.
Maybe people should give a shit about treaty violations and not pretend they’re just distractions what with the whole international law thing?
Gulf of Water
Gulf of Fascism
Not bad, but my favorite so far is “gulfefe”.
As a Mexican… Alright, let’s settle with this name.
Plenty of us are capable of being angry about multiple things at once - your point does remain valid though.
it’s more about the media than you… check out Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone” interview….
strategy is: do 3 shitty things at once, media will latch onto one and the other 2 will slip by…
“gulf of america” was first popularized by Stephen Colbert as satire, btw… it’s super obviously a distraction
The facts are overwhelmingly against you, and the more people focus on the reality the worse it is for you and your case. Your best bet in these circumstances is to perform a manoeuvre that a great campaigner describes as “throwing a dead cat on the table, mate”.
That is because there is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the dining room table – and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point… is that everyone will shout “Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!”; in other words they will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief
“red herring” is a better term , i think
Red herring is more when you follow something thinking it’ll lead to something. Dead cat strategy is purely theatrical distraction. Like a magician they want you looking at what their doing with the right hand, rather than the card coming out of their left sleeve.