Correct and that was the supposed joke. Instead of chloride, the anion, which would occur in some form of a salt, the container would contain half NaCl and the other half just chlorine gas, Cl2. Thereby making the statement (50% less sodium) technically true. (Disregard the pressure you would need to put the same molar amount of gas into the volume of a solid)
Chloride, not chlorine
Chloride is the ionic form
Right, and that’s the form it’s in in both NaCl and KCl
Correct and that was the supposed joke. Instead of chloride, the anion, which would occur in some form of a salt, the container would contain half NaCl and the other half just chlorine gas, Cl2. Thereby making the statement (50% less sodium) technically true. (Disregard the pressure you would need to put the same molar amount of gas into the volume of a solid)