I volunteer at a food bank, everything we get is donated. Sometimes we have great stuff to give out, sometimes we have garbage.
At least you were able to get some thing.
I had literally typed up basically this exact comment, then deleted it because I figured they were just venting and it wouldn’t be helpful, and then I came back because I wanted to make sure people understood that food banks aren’t generally run by the government. They’re nonprofits, but there is no minimum amount they are allocated. Since they mostly run off donations, and the economy is so terrible for everyone, it makes sense that they are hurting too. I’m sorry to hear they didn’t have more, but often the things they do have are the little others can spare or staples that make sense to purchase with the little money they get. I’m glad you commented though because I’m not sure I would have made a top level comment about this, but imho it’s worth mentioning. The people at the food banks really are trying their best to help.
i’m very pro food bank and pro mutual aid. we should always be having these conversations about allocation of resources. bless.
Agreed. Good luck. Hope things improve for you (and everyone else lol) soon.
Last year we had twice as much, the year before we had even more. Today’s boxes were pretty sparse.
That suck to hear. I know that it can be pretty demoralizing in the first place, but to then have that added on. Devastating. What you do is really important, so thank you. Your community really benefits from it regardless of how full the boxes are. Hope things get better for everyone.
not complaining, friend. I do love to be critical, and I do wish they had asked if I wanted any toys. I now have several boxes of cornbread mix, among other weird shit from them – that does qualify as food.
when i was staying in a homeless shelter and i was halfway out of the shower one day i literally caught one of the same food bank guys fishing his insanely skeleton-like fingers through my little homeless man bag of toiletries. Also that man wears adult diapers and dumps them in the public fucking trash. Creepy fucking ghoul.
When we have things such as toys, or baby food we put it to the side and ask people if they need it because we know not everyone has kids.
yeah all ya’ll are badass, especially because it’s super important to help children in all their weird developments
Our local food bank changed how they give out items. Now you get a shopping cart, walk the aisles, choose a certain number of proteins, vegetables, healthcare items, etc., take it to the checkout and bag it. It might not always be great stuff but at least you get a choice…
it’s such a difference when you are a rando who can survive on a bigass bag of beans versus a single parent with multiple kids – that was my original point. fucking silly they gave me this huge box of crap and the only thing food-like is potatoes.
this is what they give you. tthi assuming it still won’t upload, i went to the food bank got a ton of cheesy cringy little toy things, pretty cool toys honestly, from an adult persprective. fucking inedible…
rest of it was fast food packets of honey, box of cereal, box of spahge, bag of potat.
Bag of potat is badass compared to a pile of fucking fruit roll ups
the image that i failed to up load shows two huge boxes of cool, cheap-ass miniature-painting sets, which came from the fucking food bank. If it weren’t so misplaced and confusing I’d say it’s awesome. i used to build little intricate cars and planes as a child.
Ah, I thought it was a really clever statement about how they don’t give you anything. But images failing to load are cool too
unfortunately nothing clever to offer. actually so far I can handle it. When the Food Banks are not even trying to feed children, shit’s getting scary.
the image that i failed to up load
I mostly upload my images to Imgur and then post the url with the image markup
same but with pixelfed, still just a PITA
I did not know you could share from Pixelfed. Not that I have used it a lot yet.
Pixelfed seems able to handle larger file sizes than lemmy, and the shitass Macintosh phone takes good pictures 9000 times heavier than necessary. Pretty crazy when you realize you have no idea who or what their motivations might be, but it does work
Thanks for letting us know. Are you ok?