Huh? Phonetically it could sound like “ze males” with a thick German accent but that’s not what I meant.
I quote:
No one likes xi. It is impossible to write, I mean which great mind thought it would be a good idea to turn a tornado into a letter, simply preposterous.
Edit: I can kinda see where the slur is now, bur that’s not how you pronounce (the Greek letter) “xi”. Xi is pronounced /zaɪ/ ZY or /(k)saɪ/ (K)SY in English and [ksi] in Greek.
I’m not a Greek expert, I just know what little math has taught me… 😅
The pronunciation thing came directly from Wikipedia because I was unsure how to spell it phonetically in English and then I threw the Greek pronunciation in because that’s how it’s pronounced in German too (since I am German and was only certain about the German pronunciation): Xi (letter)
I hope you didn’t mean it, but that is a really gross sentence with a slur phonetically.
That’s… Not how you pronounce xi
Huh? Phonetically it could sound like “ze males” with a thick German accent but that’s not what I meant.
I quote:
Edit: I can kinda see where the slur is now, bur that’s not how you pronounce (the Greek letter) “xi”. Xi is pronounced /zaɪ/ ZY or /(k)saɪ/ (K)SY in English and [ksi] in Greek.
Isn’t the greek equivalent of X Chi while Xi has more of an s sound?
I’m not a Greek expert, I just know what little math has taught me… 😅
The pronunciation thing came directly from Wikipedia because I was unsure how to spell it phonetically in English and then I threw the Greek pronunciation in because that’s how it’s pronounced in German too (since I am German and was only certain about the German pronunciation): Xi (letter)